Julius Caeser words of wisdom

Julius Caeser. Born 100 BC, Rome, Italy and was Assassinated March 15, 44 BC, Theatre of Pompey. Here are some words of wisdom he said while still alive. The fault dear Brutus is not in our Stars, but in ourselves. Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.Continue reading “Julius Caeser words of wisdom”

21 Secret of ultimate wealth by king Solomon

Welcome abroad friends,the proverbs I present to you is that of the deep words and insights of the wisest man that has ever lived and whose footstool has ever graced the earth. The proverbs are written to help you channel your steps if you have ever wondered away. It will give you an outstanding spiritContinue reading “21 Secret of ultimate wealth by king Solomon”

Words Of Wisdom By Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. Occupation: Civil Right Activist, Minister. Born: January 15, 1929. Died: April 04,1968. Below are some words of wisdom he said before he died 💔 Martin Luther Injustice anywhere Is a threat to justice everywhere. We must learn to leave together as brothers or perish together as fools. We will have toContinue reading “Words Of Wisdom By Martin Luther King”

Wisdom quotes to help you in life and relationships

• If you obey the law, you will never feel compelled to pay a bribe. • It is better to owe in cash than owe in favors. • Women always hit below the belt • Do not go finding favor’s empty handed, Nothing is free. • The world was made to adapt and adjust andContinue reading “Wisdom quotes to help you in life and relationships”

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