Money: 9 Wisdom quotes

Wisdom quotes for money 1. “Cash is just an instrument. It will take you any place you wish, however it won’t supplant you as the driver.” — Ayn Rand  2. “Cash is a horrendous expert however a fantastic worker.” — P.T. Barnum  3. “You should deal with your cash or its absence will everlastingly controlContinue reading “Money: 9 Wisdom quotes”

Wisdom quotes to help you in life and relationships

• If you obey the law, you will never feel compelled to pay a bribe. • It is better to owe in cash than owe in favors. • Women always hit below the belt • Do not go finding favor’s empty handed, Nothing is free. • The world was made to adapt and adjust andContinue reading “Wisdom quotes to help you in life and relationships”

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